Monthly Archives: October 2020

The Boys

The Boys Yeah I liked this one. I don’t think I have much to add to the discussion that exists around the show’s first season anyways. So why am I writing this, mainly because I need practice and, I like the sound of my own voice a lot and I do think the show is […]

Made in Abyss Because We Can.

So the anime community is weird to me and I don’t mean that hey look at the cringy weeb way but,in the way a lot of them save for a few aren’t into much media outside of anime or at least seem to not engage with it and as a result the analysis can feel […]

Burn the Witch I ain’t Feeling it.

Burn the Witch I ain’t Feeling it. So this should have all the stuff honestly, like I have said in the past that the only reason Eragon was popular or I got into it was because it had a picture of the dragon on the cover and, we need a new English magical society thing […]