Tokyo Revengers

Tokyo Revengers' Anime Series Review: From Cry Baby To Cry Hero?

This was a fun show. Based on the manga of the same name Tokyo Magin or Tokyo Revengers follows a boy called Takimi as he investigates a gang and their relation to the murder of his ex-girlfriend. To do this he has to travel through time and figure out what drove the leader of the gang to have it turn from a just organisation to an evil one.

So what does make this series different from the other time travel stores we have seen? Well if I’ll be honest, the show is about delinquents and it has that general plotting going for it. For the most part, the show can craft some genuine relationships I liked the interplay between Mikey and Draken. You get the sense that the two complement each other and make up for their weakness.

 For a show that is about how cool these guys can be it is often quick to point out that the coolest thing a person can do is to be there for their friend. Which Is why Takamichi works for the most part I think it’s cool that despite him being a wimp the show can go to great lengths to point out that his best ability is to have the earnestness to call ikey and Draken out on their bull.

However, that can take a while to kick in as she show introduces us to Takamichi with his worst attributes and can put people of the character which is a shame. Since the show is about breaking habits as the time travel gimmick is one where the unconscious body is still living when you don’t inhabit it reminds me of the unconscious habits we develop to protect ourselves & as he breaks one more tend to form. I like how the show tends to view that through a solid support group we can break these.

I like how this is represented through the fact that the tension is in how Mikey and Draken’s friendship survives & how it makes us want to see them succeed because we love seeing them bounce of one and another and the cold demeanour vs the hot head can be very entertaining as the show is able to sell us on how much these dudes genuinely care for each other to the point where I found myself wondering why I haven’t seen much Yaoi of them.

So what didn’t I like?

The series tends to rely on the bond between Mikey & Draken too much that it tends to forget about other relationships like it kinda sucks that Hina and her brother are left to the side or regulated to minor supporting roles. When the plot kind of revolves around her. I think exploring her relationship with Takamichi at the start could have done a lot to endear us to him earlier. I also feel that as an adaptation it’s nothing special I found no sense of flair to it that tells me that this had to be an anime other than the manga was big and as someone who read it I really can’t see why oud choose this over the source.  So yeah that was Tokyo Revengers I guess. 

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