Weekly Round Up 1

Hello and welcome to Sheamcc2. How are you doing? I’m doing fine Given that I watch an absurd amount of movies and I honestly need to watch more of them and I like writing about them so I figured that this would be so without further ado let’s get into this week’s batch.

The Lost Boys.

You ever had one of those filmmakers you here by reputation but when you get around to actually watching stuff by them they are not as bad as you might expect? That’s Joel’s Schumaker for me. Batman movies aside I always heard rumblings of this movie in vampire movie circles so I decided to check it out and you know what it was good. The first thing that jumped out to me aside from hey that’s what that Simpsons episode was parodying was the camp and queerness of the thing. Like I like how the 80s the whole thing feels. It’s almost a time capsule from the leather to the hairstyles and the whole neon-soaked colour palate it honestly felt lived in and like the thing in a way that Stranger Things wishes it was. I also wound up liking the queer aspect and that comes through in the dialogue between the main character and the brother and the way vampirism is treated in the movie. I felt with the way they turn into vampires by drinking blood in a communal event they were tapping into the aids pandemic as well as the way they treat the brother as he turns. I could be stretching with this one but given how the filmmaker’s sexuality tends to find itself into his films I wouldn’t be surprised if this is what the movie was going for.


Another month another MCU Disney show. Honestly, for as frustrated as I can be with the MCU I think it tends to be able to pull me back every time because of its focus on characters that I like & She-Hulk is no exception I think the show does a fun job at giving us some much-needed character beats with Bruce Banner It was fun seeing the two of them training together and we get to see how one of the original characters feels post Endgame. That being said I do hope the show is able to pull back from some of the MCU stuff and let us chill with the character for a bit because I really like the idea of them just doing legally blonde but with a big woman. I liked Ms Marvel being a teen comedy and all. I kind of wish we would embrace phase one again and make these things their own thing rather than a thing that takes elements from a bigger thing but in all, I liked what we got.

Slender Man

Have you ever had one of those movies where you find yourself wondering why was this made? That’s what I was asking myself while I watched this thing. The characters were insipid and the direction was lacklustre it felt as if the movie itself was trying to find a reason for its existence. Only to stumble into it at the last second with the idea that good people can do evil things. OK, so why don’t you show this like any good possession story should? The thing is it’s a shame that this movie has to be like this because internet horror stories do offer fertile to explore the nature of reality and thought. It’s a dam right shame that we gave one of the more iconic specimens of internet horror to people who couldn’t give a crap about any of it.

House of the Dragon

This one really was a solid pitch. I love dark medieval fantasy so I was not going to sleep on a Game of Thrones show regardless of how I felt about season 8s ending. This show honestly delivers a lot of the Game of Thrones stuff that we have come to expect in our fable about power. I think that is the compelling thing that this episode delivers on. A highlight for me was the joust. It cutting between that and a gruesome c-section worked in showing how little a patriarchal society values life outside of its own power struggles. It also keeps up the eldritch view of lords in a scene that shows one of our main characters Damon Targaryen massacring a city of people just to show his bid for power. My only complaint with the show right now is that it lacks the sharp writing of Thrones a lot of the dialogue felt rather dry and straightforward. That being said I’m just happy to get another solid adult-orientated genre show again so in all I’m excited to see where this will go.   

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