Weekly media round-up 2

She-Hulk Episode 2

I feel like this one feels a lot tighter than the other Marvel shows. For one I feel like the half hour run time helps. I think I’m getting more into this show’s use of the continuity aspect of the MCU. Since the plot of the episode involves the titular She-Hulk being poached by a Venture Bros esc law firm that deals with the legality of super villains.  Her first case is the Abomination the bad guy from the first Hulk movie. I still feel like the looser tone to everything feels like this shows undoing as it wants to hand wave the dilemma for this episode and I’m still looking for some of the more character beats that will make me give a shit about She-Hulk as a character outside of her connection to the Hulk. That being said I still think the perfect incarnation of this show is a PG-13 sex comedy with some of the more modern trappings. At the same time, I’m still liking what we got even if the show seems to be more interested in the continuity than I actually am but I think that’s just my tastes particular tastes though.

Black Christmas

This is one of the films I covered on this blog that I may need to rewatch. Not just because I tend to love slashers even the bad ones! I find that there is viscerallity to these movies that make them entertaining to me. So what makes this one different to the dozens of other slasher flicks out there? It doesn’t really focus on the killer &acts of murder that much instead the horror is centred on the victims of the killer and the way men don’t take women’s concerns about their safety seriously. I also liked how in this movie is that a lot of the characters feel believable I really liked how subdued the boyfriend was played. However, you could get the sense that he desires to control. Packing in some nasty and fun kills this film was a really fun watch and something I will return to.


If I could describe this movie in one sentence I would call it one of the most beautiful harrowing movies I’ve ever seen. With that, it captures the feelings of addiction the duality between desire and release only being resolved with death. That’s to say nothing of the gorgeous black and white cinematography that captures all the hidden places that are just out of plain sight. It shows the horror of addiction and how it isolates us from people who just see the horror of it all. With it fundamentally reduces us to something that is no longer human. This sentiment is captured perfectly in Christopher Walkin’s fantastic performance as the Pina a defiant highlight of this extremely harrowing watch.


The more Peel I watch the more of his brand of horror seems to click in to focus while he does explore the things America does not want to examine within itself. I also think he is interested in the things we just don’t like talking about. This is evident in how whenever these come up the camera cuts away to something else like it knows that for us to look at it is to accept true horror. I think this winds up leaving us with the most Peel movie yet as it combines his interest in the paranormal while showing us that the only way for us to see the cruelty of Hollywood is more often than not to point the camera and film it. Since it is the only proof that these things happened.

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