Short story 1

The ugly boy sat alone on the bus. The only other sign of movement was the flies trapped inside the plastic casing of a flickering light. It was as if they were trying to grasp the last bits of energy they couldn’t produce naturally. The sound of the flies bouncing on the light’s plastic casing was enough to set the ugly Boys teeth on edge. The ugly Boy was already trying to deal with the stifling heat of the bus. The heat was so stifling that it decided to make its self-present by being a pain in his lower back. The sudden blast of the cold however dulled the pain for a few minutes. That wasn’t the pain the ugly boy decided to concentrate on. The more pressing matter was his separation from his family. The ugly boy tried to forget about them his survival depended on it but like the pain in his back they were lodged inside of him. The ugly Boy couldn’t get them out even if he wanted to. The ugly Boy just needed to tough it out if he was going to live at this school, he needed to rid himself of the weakness that other boys would detect. The ugly Boy had to forget about his family if he was to survive. The state wanted him to be here, so this is where he had to be. The ugly Boy looked to his future and decided to kill it as he had to focus on his imprisonment. The bus stopped letting the boy off to enjoy his future. Getting off the bus the stifling heat was replaced by the cold The ugly boy was grateful for it, but he was trapped on all sides by the forest. Cutting through the trees was a lane and out of the corner of his eyes he saw two small rabbits. Feeling the wind blow the ugly boy set of down the lane he was uneasy though the sound of the pebbles crunching set his teeth on edge. The ugly boy thought about his sister he wanted to gain strength from his memory of them playing. The ugly boy banished it from his mind if he was to go on, he was to be alone. This was what this was a journey to be alone. When he arrived at the school, he noticed the stench it was one of rotting flesh. The ugly boy saw sack on the ground it was lumpy with a red stain on it he saw the flies swarming it like they did with the light on the bus. The school on the other hand was a large building that lacked any distinctive features save for how its windows were placed there was only four of them and two of them looked like eyes. The ugly boy wondered if the building had doors, he didn’t see them, but people needed to get in. For a brief second the ugly boy thought that the building had no doors because the buildings job was to keep people in. When the ugly boy got closer the door appeared as if the building was grinning. Inside the building the ugly boy looked at his card 137 it read. Assuming it was his dorm room he set out to find it. Entering a large hall, he was greeted with stairs that looked as if they were winding the building and connecting the rooms to each other as if they were artery’s flowing to the buildings dark heart. The Ugly Boy wanted to escape but he knew this is where he had to be. Walking up the first flight of stairs what the ugly boy thought were dorm rooms began to resemble classrooms. Looking through the windows the things he saw was horrifying rows upon rows of faceless children. Each armed with a plank of wood watching the teacher put a rabbit into a bag. Knowing what was about to happen the boy left as he heard the death searches of the poor animal. He climbed the stairs until he came to the second landing. He was stopped by the sight of another bloody bag being dragged into the darkness. Curiosity got the better of the ugly boy he wanted to see what was in the dark room. Approaching the door, he saw a young man in front of it the man had blond hair and an effeminate look about him. As the ugly boy looked upon the man the image of the flies came back and just like how they attacked the light wanting energy they attacked the ugly boy.

What do you want? The young man asked.

His voice was simple and direct the ugly boy couldn’t dignify him with a response and eye contact was impossible looking down with his head to the side. The young man sighed.

You want the dorms, I guess.

The Ugly Boy nodded his head. The Young Man pointed his thumb towards the next floor. Dejected The Ugly Boy left. He knew he took to much of The Young Mans time he knew he could never repay it and he slinked up the stairs. The Ugly Boy was getting tired he put his hand on the banisters to maintain some sense of balance. When he did so he felt them throb it was as if they were veins, and The Ugly Boy knew he was approaching the heart of the building. When he reaches the top of the stairs the carpet soon turned into flesh. This coalesced at a mangled pile of corpses tied together in an orgasmic piece of ritualistic glory.

The only emotion that was left to The Ugly Boy was a sense of desire. It was the first time when he saw the pile he fell in love with it, it was the only place he desired to be. At the edge of the pile stood The Young Man. He stepped forward to the boy cupping his face in his hands. When he let go the boy felt a weight drop in his hand. He grasped the hilt of the knife.

Do it.

The boy placed two his hands on the knife. It was trembling banishing all hints of desire from the boys’ mind he drove it into The Young Mans heart. The boy took the knife out and The Young Man fell backwords ready to join an eternity of bliss.   

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