I know what this title looks like and I promise this isn’t going to be a reactionary rant about how the gays are ruining comics. If you like this show fine enjoy it I wish you well but this title forms part of an essay that I wanted to write for a while. It’s just […]

A man was sitting in his office it was a cramped room the only thing that broke the darkness making the room somewhat inhabitable was a flickering lamp. He was one of those men who seemed detained for politics he was stout and studious man who regarded everyone with a hatful ire and if you […]

On May 20th one of my favorite writers passed away it was the author of Berserk Miura Kentaru. I honestly don’t know what to say but what I’m left with is a lot of scattered thoughts, ranging from the downright abusive conditions that him and a lot of other mangaka find themselves in. Looking at […]

Megalobox. I love boxing. Scratch that I love movies and media about boxing. And if I had to put my figure on why, I think out of a lot of sports I’m attracted to boxing mainly because the sport & the stories it can create has an element of equality to it. At least from […]

So shining Diamond and brilliant Pearl just got announced yesterday and the reactions around it were mixed to say the least and again it mostly revolved around the art style from the abject love of it to the hatred to it. Where do I stand on this well it’s complicated? Because I think the game […]

We can all agree that 2020 was a year right? From the pandemic to the whole election it was all a mess. Yet despite the politics on the outside the various sub cultures and the industry that supports them rages on. With the anime fandom being no different and, one of the interesting things to […]

Well you have to introduce them to Lynch somehow. This sums up my thoughts on this show in all fairness. I don’t think it’s a bad thing necessary but I also don’t think it does the show any credit but, it’s a tired studio formula trying to do something new for three episodes which to […]

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla It feels weird to talk about AAA games in this day and age if only because they often feel like they’re not games anymore so much as they feel like gacha games for dudes. Like you go through lists of checklists for armour and upgrades that offer vague changes to your character […]

I know in this blog I often talk about shows that I tend to give 4-8s to and I often feel that that’s because, in anime and in most things bad is often a resounding meh to me. Like I don’t conceder the first Fantastic Beasts movie and Rise of Skywalker bad because they are […]

Tokyo Ghoul Writing about this show is going to be a tad difficult for me. If only because one of the ideas that’s at the core of this story is persecution. And as someone whose only claim to facing anything of the sort is his autism and asexually which can be hidden affects I kind […]